Saturday, April 10, 2010

Happy Belated Easter 2010

These pics are out of order, but as I've said before, blogger is not my friend most of the time! I'm looking into getting the whole blog printed and moving on! I just can't keep up with everything b/c it has taken me over 2 hrs. to finish this post!

These first few are from the Easter egg hunt at my mom's house after church. We had a wonderful lunch with good friends and family. It was a lot of fun!

Earlier that day before church, I attempted to get some pics of the girls in their dresses in the front yard. Its really funny, b/c there are so many similar pics of my brother and me! We grew up in a house right down the street, so it kind of looks like the same house. Emma didn't want to cooperate for the group pics as you will see below, but she did do pretty good on the individual ones.

Well maybe not so muchAubrie was ofcourse ready to priss!

Kaitlyn is always so photogenic!

There was no way to do these pics justice without posting the whole series of them. Remember this is for their scrapbook, so if you get bored, just skip em! They make me laugh b/c I was trying to get a good pic of all 3 and ofcourse wasn't successful. You can tell that Kaitlyn was quite frustrated at having to pose for so can see how with each pic she is getting more and more aggravated!

Notice Aubrie's tongue in cheek face in all of these!

2 out of 3 looking....

This was the best of all of them....maybe next year....but I wouldn't trade these "real life" shots!

I was trying to get a pic of what the Easter bunny brought, but Emma was engrossed in TV! Imagine that! You should have seen me trying to chase her with the curling iron!

She got some DVD's of some of her fav cartoons.

K got some Harley Davidson flip flops...

And Aubrie a Harley Davidson Barbie! What are we doing? These girls are going to have so much HD stuff due to the fact that their daddy works there....they'll for sure want motorcycles eventually! Not gonna you hear me girls...NEVER!

he day before Easter, we got a phone call from Aunt Holly & Gigi that the Easter bunny had visited their house as well! they all are after hunting 85 eggs and getting baskets FULL of goodies! Thanks H & A for the GREAT time and for loving the girls so much!

Getting ready to do something...not sure what...but look at that face! LOVE IT! Aunt Holly & E with their hats...well actually both are Holly's hats, but Emma had to borrow it for a pic or two!

Our friend Sharie and her 3 kids came and spent a few days.

Em & Drake

Dying Easter eggs in the garage on the rainy Friday before Easter.

If it weren't for Mimi, I'm not sure how many experiences I could give the girls with dying eggs! I hate it! Always have, but its worth it to watch Mimi and the girls have so much fun!

Aleah, Coleman, & K This pic is random, but the evening after their school parties, Aubrie called me into the bathroom....this is what I found. She said she needed them to sleep!

Emma and her class at Kiddie Kollege party

Our friend Ridge and his "toothbrush" smile...After Aubrie's party, I signed her out early so that she could go to E's party too! I'm so blessed to have such wonderful coworkers who will cover for me so that I can go and enjoy these fleeting moments with my girls!

Emma and (some) of her class with the Easter bunny

I just love the action pics of Daddy with his girls! Have I mentioned how much I love this man for being so incredible with his kids!Goin' out for the hunt

He's a good dad, but sometimes he has to "have a few" before one of their events....just kidding, but he does look a little loopy in this pic!

Aubrie and her PreK class

And with her wonderful teachers Mrs. Davis and Mrs. Brazeal

I love being this angel's mommy!

Rackin' up!

Yes, I'm getting an 8X10 or atleast a 5X7 of this one!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter! I know we did! So many blessings, I lost count a LONG time ago!

Okay, enough procrastinating! I can't neglect this housework any longer! This is so much more fun!

1 comment:

Ramey and Stephanie said...

The girls looked precious for Easter! :) Looks like you all had tons of egg hunts too! We gave all our candy away to the movers. Noah cried. It was funny.