Tuesday, June 29, 2010

End of the Year School Programs & Other Randomness...

My Aubrie completed her first year of school in PreK. I was very hesitant to start her in public school when she really didn't have to go, but it was the best thing I could've done for her! She had a rough first 3 wks, but after that she loved it and made such sweet friends. This was at the the "Moving Up to Kindergarten" ceremony. The little program that they did was absolutely precious, but my camera went dead right in the middle of it and the few that I DID get were blurry! I was very upset! But here are the few I was able to get that weren't all messed up! Aubrie & Daddy

Aubrie & Mommy

Letting their balloons go to represent "moving up"The next week was their end of the year festival! So much fun! I am so blessed to have a principal that allows me to be gone for awhile when the kids have something like this!

I don't want to miss a thing!

Aubrie is in to taking pics, especially ones of herself!

This cracks me up! There was a whole series of these, but this one was the funniest!Aubrie & her friend drawing with sidewalk chalkEmma had her end of year Kiddie Kollege program and once again, my camera wasn't cooperating! I really think it is going out b/c I've used it so much! Sooo...here are just a couple from that night....again, very disappointing!Aubrie & Poppy in the audienceI seem to still be able to get decent shots outside. We usually go to Club Kerby to swim, but the kids enjoy their little kiddie pool that daddy got them for "in between" times.

This is Ridge! He and Emma are about 2 months apart and are bigtime buds! There were in Kiddie Kollege together this year and had so much fun! She prays for her friend Ridge every night. He and his parents were over the other night and this is how we found them in her room! It's cute now, but we'll have to be watching them in a few years! ;)Just a funny pic of the McCarter girls on family movie night!
Both of our girls LOVE fruit and this was the first watermelon of the season! I wasn't kidding when I said "other randomness" in the this post title....

Hope everyone is making sweet memories this summer! We sure are!

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