Friday, September 26, 2008


Just wanted to thank everyone for your prayers for our little Emma. The appt. went well yesterday. The neurosurgeon explained things to us very well and we feel relieved that she does not show any signs of hydrocephalus at this time. She is right on target for a 13 mo. old. Her head is growing at a faster rate than what she would like so she wants to do another CT scan to rule out everything. She believes that everything is fine and that her head size should level out by age 2 like she said before. It is not the answer that we really wanted.....we wanted her to say that our baby was perfect and not to EVER bring her back. However, it was much better than the alternative which would've been surgery at this time. Thanks again for all your prayers and please keep praying about future testing. God is so good! Love you all!
Oh, and I promise pics very soon! Our computer at home has been in the "hospital" so I haven't uploaded recent pics!

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